Star Bright calculates the Earth broad daylight equivalent visible light in other stellar systems as well as other information of interest such as galactic coordinates. For example, the Rigel system requires a 220 au distance from the blue supergiant for Earth broad daylight equivalent visible light, Rigel would be just a third the apparent size of the sun in the sky at that point and have a bluish hue.
(Star Bright development link) Galactic Coordinates and Interstellar NavigationWhen viewing stars from the Earth, location information is most often given in terms of right ascension and declination, these are called equatorial coordinates. To better understand interstellar journeys within the local galactic plane, equatorial coordinates are not the most useful form, galactic coordinates should be used.
Here are the nearest systems (within 4 parsecs or 13 light-years) and their galactic coordinates.
For our purposes, the Sun, which has no official formal name yet is given the name "Sol" (which is just the Latin form of "Sun") and the solar system is designated by "Solar System" (just as Mars is in the "Martian" system, Sol is in the "Solar" system). "Sol" is chosen here instead of "Sun" primarily because if we were on a planet in another system, that system's star or stars would be called the "sun" or "suns." The term "sun" would be used as a general term while the term "Sol" is more specific. But it is really the same name in two languages, the English version being "Sun." Sol is included in the following interstellar navigation program.
(Interstellar Navigation development link) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - is an exploratory website of A.C. Heinlein, a person who has received degrees in astronomy and physics, but likes to dabble in programming and web development too.